I Love Amazonia
Commande de Projet et création participative
Ateliers publics collaboratifs
Projection dans la Chapelle
Maison des Jeunes Saint-Vincent de Paul
Video projection
Flash animation - drawings of children - audio of voices - music
Duration 15 '
.swf format
I Love Amazonie is a collective social, cultural and artistic collaboration organized for the Year of Brazil in 2005 by Saint - Vincent de Paul association in Paris. Its engaged for Amazonia by discovering its cultural aspects, social, ethnic, ecological emergency as the deforestation and ecosystem disturb for all humanity and the planet.
This command proposed a co-creativ process by teaching my multimedia skills and creativ process, made public participating, mostly childrens, adolescents and some parents, creating his own pictures (drawing, videos, speachs..). As artist teacher I worked with animators and associations from brazil to create this event. I collected public's artworks and created a video animation to project on the chapel Saint Vincent de Paul.